Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Druid, Use This PvP Guide to Dominate Player Versus Player Combat


Fighting PvP as a Druid offers many options and opportunities, along with the potential for confusion and frustration. Druids are very tough to kill in the arena, and are unaffected by many of the magical skills used by the opposition. With their ability to switch forms, heal, and even tank when necessary, they can play any role in PvP. Unfortunately, that very versatility makes Druids prime targets, and makes Druid PvP play very challenging.

Because Druids can do so many different things, they have a different optimal strategy for fighting every opposing class. That's right, the best Druid PvP players apply 9 different strategies to one on one combat, one for each class of opponent. And of course, you also need to be able to adapt your Druid's strategy to account for the the abilities of your allies. There's a lot of information to master, but there are major advantages to doing so.

Many players would agree that Druids have the best talents for 2v2 arena play. Some would argue that Rogues are better, but few would argue against the Druid adding the most depth and interest to any 2 person team. A well thought-out Druid using strong strategy and tactics can own its opponents in duels, and lead a top-tier 2v2 arena team. And of course, these same attributes make Druids welcome additions to 3v3 or 5v5 teams.

That's the good thing about play a Druid. But don't forget that Druids have weaknesses too. If you're going to succeed in PvP against the best players, you'll need to understand and work around your Druid's weaknesses as well as capitalize on strengths. Your choice of gear goes far toward minimizing those weakenesses, once you know which gear is the right gear. As always, you can learn everything you need to know while you play, if you're willing to invest a lot of time.

Or you can invest in a PvP guide that will show you what you need to know to compete with the top Player versus Player competitors. If you have a life outside the gaming world, you need a Druid in PvP guide. The ultimate Druid Guide has all the information you need to quickly boost your Druid to the top of the PvP ranks, and will surely show you things you would never have come up with on your own.

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