Monday, November 24, 2008

Do You Need A Video Game Strategy Guide?

Video games have become more and more complex and there is a need for video game strategy guides to become proficient at playing them. If you want to be a winner at any popular game a video strategy guide is a needed item. Ideally, most game player want to overcome a video game by their own efforts alone. You will definitely get high fives for standing up to this tough challenge. Your friends will be amazed if you don't have to consult a single video game strategy guide while playing your favorite game.

Believe it or not I've been using video game cheats and strategy guides since I had the original 8-bit Nintendo. The game cheats we used back in the day were pretty undeveloped. There were only eight buttons that you could push, so every video game cheat was a combination of up, down, left, right, b, a, select, and start. They were pretty easy to remember, and we were always trading them with our friends. Sometimes we would even find one accidentally.

Some of the video game makers even published video game strategy guides as well as manufacturers like Nintendo. They were really handy for video games like The Legend of Zelda. These games would have a long series of riddles that you had to solve and adventures that you had to complete. When you got lost it was great having the video game strategy guide. These guides didn't emphasize cheats so much as explain how to solve the riddles.

Many of the PC games also required video game strategy guides too. I remember that I used to love playing the King's Quest games. The games were so hard it took a video game strategy guide to get your way through. A video game strategy guide for an adventure game like that could be a 30, 40, or even 50 page long. They were more like books than “guides.” The games were already so complex that it was like reading a novel to find your way through the maze.

This trend hasn't changed as video game developers moved towards more and more complex video games with increasingly complex strategy guides. I remember when I aquired the Empire Earth strategy guide a few of years ago. It was at least one hundred fifty pages long! I've heard that this is not exceptional for video game strategy guides nowadays either. Some of them are even longer. Still, I guess that's what you need to get through a hard-fought video game.

If you have figured it out yet you would probably have to have the IQ of Einstein to be able to make it through the compexities of today's video games without a video game strategy guide. My suggetion would be to not use your video game strategy guide until you could go no farther so you don't take away the the ultimate challenge of your video game. Isn't that one of the reasons why you got the game in the first place? Then when you absolutely need to, break out your video game strategy guide and eventually crack the code.

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