Friday, October 31, 2008

Change the Way You Play Console Games with Wii Virtual Console

The Nintendo Wii goes with one remote controller - the Wiimote - and one Nunchuk, which is a movement sensing analogue controller that accompanies the wireless Wiimote. If you prefer to enjoy the head-to-head action of the great games included with Wii Sports, then the first of the Nintendo Wii accessories that you ought to get is an extra controller. The Wii can accommodate four controllers, so fitting a secone one into the system is a breeze.

The Wii as well as the Nintendo GameCube titles are compatible, which a really neat feature of the Wii console. If you don't have a GameCube controller - your existing GameCube controllers well do, then one of Nintendo Wii accessories can be used as a GameCube controller. Not only will that allow you to play a wider variety of games, it will also allow you to play the classic games that are downloadable to your Wii system. You need more than just the controller to fully enjoy the games, however. To save your progress into the game, you need to have GameCube memory card; or else you need to start from level one everytime you play the game.  All GameCube memory card is compatible with your Wii so that you can use your old card if you have one. For those of you who don't have the card, you need to purchase one to fully enjoy your gaming gadget.

Another advantage of the Wii virtual console system is its Web capabilities. Now you are given a hassle-free way to download those classic Nintendo games from the Web. Downloads are not free, however, and the Wii Points are the currency of choice. That's why prepaid Wii Points cards are a sought after Nintendo Wii accessory. These cards allow you to browse and puchase your favorite classic Nintendo games on the Web hassle-free. However, if you plan to buy a lot of these standard games it's entirely a matter of time before you fill the 512mb memory of your Wii system. My advice is to purchase a 1 gigabyte SD Wii virtual console memory card so that you'll have all the room you need with plenty to spare!

In order to make use of the Wii's downloading power and its other Wii system's menu functions, you need access to the Internet. That makes the Nintendo Wi-Fi USB connector one of the most of import Nintendo Wii accessories. With wireless Internet access in place, you will be able to use your Wii to play games, surf the Web, and enjoy the eagerly awated face to face virtual play! This will allow the players to participate in the games realistically and we'll start seeing the entire family, from grandson to grand dad, playing console games - a first of its kind in console gaming.

All of these Nintendo Wii accessories contribute to form an impressive array of gaming and entertainment capabilities. If you don't have a component video adapter, however, the picture quality of the Wii might fail to reach its potential, particularly if you've an HDTV. Enhance your gaming experience and use your Nintendo accessories to their full potential with by using an adapter. And one more thing: invest in reliable rechargeable batteries to really keep those wireless remotes functioning on demand.

Are Computer Games Too Gory?

The more graphic the effects, the better. All of the video game makers are now competing to get the most sales, and that forces them to use the newest technology. Sometimes characters come almost to life and the player is given so many details that most people would rather not see - like gory scenes. As fast as these stores empty their shelf-full of games is the rise of a question that are met with different reactions: Are video games too violent?

Of course, there is more than one side in conflict here. On one hand are those who believe that the games aren’t, specifically the gamers and the developers themselves. Mainly people need to know how much dicipline the gamer has, and that could affect the extent of the influence. It is a battle of self-control and putting things in the right perspective. If people get more violent after a few hours of gaming then maybe it's their lack of dicipline, rather than the game causing the problems.

On the other hand however, this point is the same argument as those who believe that video games are too violent. The powerful emotional response is brought on by the action and effects that is so realistic that people cant detach themselves from it. Reality can only be shown as how things are, while it is sometimes exagerated, it really need to be based on real life.

There is an argument to be made either way, but we still don't know if it really causes gamers to turn violent. The debate can go on, but to be helpful to gamers, there are several ways with which any retaining effects can be prevented. {Firstly everyone should have a maximum number of hours dedicated to video games every day}. Games like this target people who have a hard time drawing a line between reality and the game world. Sticking to a regement will help you learn discipline.

Secondly is to know when enough is enough. When you find yourself overly invested in the death of a in game character take a deep breath. It has the dual effect of clearing your mind and normalizing the gamers body after an adrenaline surge. Three is for the kids who have parents that let them play these games. At a young age, discipline should already be imbibed at this crucial formative stage. Once a child has been affected then the effects are hard to remove, so parents need to be vigilant. If you want a game that is fun and not overly violent then you should think about buy legend of zelda namely buy oracle of seasons.

Objectivity may be hard when broaching the subject of violence and technology might be too diverse to understand. What can be sure, though, is that individual’s should have their own mastery of technology so that thy won’t have to ask if video games are too violent.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Success of Nintendo Wii

Nintendo make it known from the start that they wanted the Wii to be family oriented. Therefore, it had to be offered at a price that an average family could afford to buy. The reason Nintendo Wii is such a success is that it manage to bring in the whole family to embrace console games - Wii put Nintendo on the lead. Now, the dads, moms, grandparents, and the children can enjoy playing Wii games like Tennis, Golf, Bowling, Boxing, and Baseball. For many families out there, the Nintendo Wii bundles in many shops are an excellent option to purchase the console. The reasons are easy to understand.

First, you save money. Packages that include the game and the console will save you money compared to buying individual games. Plus, the accessories are given free. Some Wii Game bundle, like the Wii Tennis Bundle option, offered extra freebies like one extra Wii remote. You can use the remote like a bat to swing and hit the ball in real time but only virtually.

Thanks to all these advantages, Nintento announced a few weeks ago that they have sold over 1.5 million Virtual Console games through the Wii’s Shopping Channel in the first two months of its release. Revenue generated from the Wii purchases is unknown. But, it is likely to be about $10 million making the Wii virtual console the fastest selling console in history.

So what the future willl bring for Nintendo Wii? Well, Nnintento has already announced the launching of the Wii 2! And, thanks to the fast growing Wii user community, we can expect many top game companies entering the Wii market. As a result, they will compete to produce game consoles that uses even more hitech and cooler gadgets. Because at the end of the day, that is what makes the Wii such a special console; the overall improved game player experience. Nothing can beat that unique feeling of being really involved in the game by using your body movements in real time - all the while having live interaction with friends and family.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

High-Level Instance Gear for Levels 40 to 50 in World of Warcraft

There are so many World of Warcraft instances and bosses for level 40 thru 50 that it is hard to know where to go for the best pieces. Here is a to-do list of all the major instances for these levels so that you can get the best gear without wasting a lot of time.


Uldaman has tons of bosses, but there are three that are must downs because they have the best gear. The Ancient Stone Keeper drops the Rockshard Pauldrons, which is good for hunters and shamans. Ironaya drops the Ironshod Bludgeon, which is top gear for feral druids. Last, but not least, Archaedas drops the Archaedic Stone, which is great for any class because it has a random enchantment.


Maraudon has eight bosses, total, but the best loot falls from one particular boss, Princess Theradras. The Blackstone Ring is great for any class that is melee or range spec such as druids, rouges, and warriors. Bracers of the Stone Princess is good for shamans and hunters because of its increase in attack power. Elemental Rockridge Leggings work for warriors and paladins because it increases your critical strike rating and has a lot of strength and stamina. The Eye of Theradras drops off the princess, as well, and it is a fantastic cloth piece because it has very high stats.


Many regard Zul'Farrak with distaste, but some really good gear drops off of the boss named Shadowpriest Sezz'ziz. The Bad Mojo Mask will make any warlock drool and it is the best headpiece for casters at this level. The Diabolic Skiver is a pole arm that can be used by any melee class. It delivers 160-180 damage. The Jinxed Hoodoo Kilt and the Jinxed Hoodoo Skin is some of the best gear that a Moonkin or Restoration druid can hope to get. By targeting these bosses, you can get the gear you need in fewer instance runs; for the remainder of your gear, use the Idemise guide and just buy it off the auction house!

World of Strats publishes raiding guides, strategies and other articles about the popular online game, World of Warcraft. Visit for more ways to get the most out of your WoW game.

Fable 2 and Peter Molyneux

Peter Molyneux (born in 1959 in Guildford, Surrey, UK) is considered one of the world's best developers of computer games. An description regularly used is "inventive". He is especially well known for games like Dungeon Keeper, Populous, and Black & White. His best known flaw is that he sometimes builds up the hype on games too much while they are still under development. In some cases the game meets the hype, but in most (?) cases they are not what he makes them out to be.

A good example of this was the 2004 release of Fable. Now that Fable 2 is in play on machines around the world, what can be said for Peter? Is Fable 2 a retread of Fable? Was it over-hyped?

Many of you will probably say that Fable 2 is, indeed, much more than Fable was. A much better rendition. Where Fable's combat was criticized a lot, Fable 2's will probably satisfy both casual and advanced players. And then there is the dog! Yes, a mutt. One that you get to rescue, and have as a companion.

I think that you will love the new combat system in Fable 2, and Xbox LIVE will add a new experience.

PC World says, "Fable II is Peter Molyneux's Smartest Game Yet.", and "... his (Peter's) work on Fable II, clear evidence of a mature designer who's finally figured out how to extricate pathos from all that whiz-bang ..."

And from Peter himself, "... to finish Oblivion would take sixty or seventy hours ... in Fable 2, the story lasts thirteen to fourteen hours."

Peter again, "(in Fable 2) If you want to be evil or good or kind or cruel, then that's totally up to you. With Oblivion it was basically all about me killing things."

In summary ...

* this action RPG (role playing game) made exclusively for the Xbox 360 picks up the story 500 years after the first Fable
* wide-ranging open-ended gameplay
* you can choose between a male or female character
* the new combat system provides for short-range, long-range, and magic attacks
* any money earned in the minigames on Live Arcade can be used in the game
* Xbox LIVE online multiplayer mode lets you bring other players into your world

Further comments, reviews, and potential sellers of Fable 2 are available through the Picked by Rick website.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Free PSP Game Download – Get Free Game Download For PSP

You have your PSP but you have no way to download all the favorite and thrilling games around. How pathetic is that? All you have are games that even toddlers can play. You want more games that deal with great adventures and excellent graphics. Is there a way to get free PSP game download? Well, actually there is.

Hold on to your seats and prepare for this exciting news. Yes, you can get free game downloads for PSP. There are many websites that offers free homebrew PSP games. These games are created by PSP amateurs and have very basic graphics and gameplay but they can be good for a few hours of fun.

Another alternative to download free PSP games is to join a PSP download membership site. There are a few PSP membership download sites such as PSPBlender and AllPSPGames that allows you to download unlimited PSP games for a one time fee.

Besides PSP games, you can also download unlimited PSP movies, music and more. The download speeds are faster and there are more variety of PSP games to download compared to free PSP download sites. They even provide instruction on how to put PSP games on your PSP player. You can download at any time of the day.

I recommend you buy a large sized capacity PSP memory stick as the PSP ISO or CSO files are usually quite large. In general, each downloaded PSP game is around 500MB to 1GB in size.

I recommend getting at least a 2GB or 4GB PSP memory stick.

So even if you are awake in the middle of the night and you instantly have a great craving to download games, you don´t have to wait for the morning to come. Just turn on your computer, visit your trusted site and presto! You can now download your desired PSP game.

Discover the best site to get free PSP game download. Learn how you can get free PSP game download right away immediately.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Gears of War 2 for XBOX 360

On November 7, 2008, Microsoft will release Gears of War 2 for the XBOX 360. Without a doubt this game has been one of the most talked about, and sure to be one of the most popular games, of this holiday season. Ever since the first Gears of War, this combat action shooter has been wildly anticipated. The action in the game is frenetic and the controls of the game are some of the best seen in action games such as this.

For those possible new fans of Gears of War, it is a third person shooter created by Epic Games for Microsoft Studios. It is an exclusive Microsoft title and can only be played on XBOX 360. The first Gears of War was also released for the Windows operating system. The guts of the game relies on a modified Unreal 3 engine to power the action and graphics.

The game play revolves around COG Delta squad lead by Marcus Felix. Their operation is to stop the Locust Horde from continuing to take over the world. The storyline of Gears of War 2 continues with you using the vast array of weapons to kill the Locust Horde with the help from your COG squad. The favorite weapon has been the machine gun/chainsaw combo that allows you to shoot down and saw your opponent. A really cool new feature of Gears of War 2 is being able to use a downed opponent as a shield to keep yourself from getting shot as you continue to fire. This new tactic has gotten a lot of positive feedback from those that were shown the previews to the game. Violence has never been so much fun.

Multi-player promises to be where Gears of War really shines. This will keep the game being played well into 2009 as there are numerous map packs, 15 at last count, that you will be able to do combat in. There are numerous games within the multi-player option that will keep players occupied. It has been reported that there will be three different on-line multi-player modes. The player will also have the option for Co-op play with a friends or friends.

Gears of War2 is a game that a lot of fans of the original will be looking forward to. The level of action and violence has been raised considerably. The gameplay is easily as good as the first, if not improved. One of this holiday season's most aniticipated game for XBOX 360 is Gears of War 2. For those that enjoy Gears of War action figures or Gears of War toys, new versions of those will also be released during the launch.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

How to Win World of Warcraft’s Eye of the Storm Battlegrounds

The Eye of the Storm battlegrounds is a new battleground for World of Warcraft that was added with the Burning Crusade expansion. It is very popular with players that love to play defense. Here is how the battleground works and how to win.

There are four towers, the Blood Elf Tower, the Mage Tower, Draenei Ruins, and the Fel Reaver Ruins. There is one tower at each corner of the map, and a flag in the middle of the map. The object of the game is to reach 2000 points. To get points, players have to capture a tower and protect it from the opposing team. To get even more points, players can capture the flag in the center of the battlegrounds and take it to their captured tower.

The points given for capturing the flag goes up with the more towers that are taken. For example, three towers captured will give you more points when you return the flag than only having one tower.

One winning strategy is to grab the towers closest to the starting area as soon as the battleground starts. Some players will stay to defend the towers, while others go off to fight for the flag. Hunters, druids, and rouges are usually best for capturing the flag because they have fast running abilities. Mages are also good because they can use Blink to evade any enemies.

Another winning strategy is to take three towers, and hold them, without worrying about the flag. Controlling three towers almost insures victory because it is very difficult for the opposing team to catch up with only one tower, no matter how many times they run the flag.

No matter what strategy the team uses, players should never fight with the opposing team away from the towers or flag. This wastes your fighting resources and gets nothing accomplished. If these strategies are followed, and you use the Idemise guide to get gold for the best gear, you can win every time at the Eye of the Storm battlegrounds.

World of Strats publishes raiding guides, strategies and other articles about the popular online game, World of Warcraft. Visit for more ways to get the most out of your WoW game.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Warhammer Online Level 1-40 Guide Book

So, the game is finally out, you have it installed on your newest, fastest computer, and you are currently sitting at the login screen trying to figure out which race to choose and where to go with them. It’s not surprising that you’re unsure what to do next – Warhammer Online is a big game. I’ve played my fair share of the game thus far in beta and live servers and have to say that I’m incredibly impressed with how deep it is. For a brand new MMO right out of the box, it has a tremendous amount of content and is one heck of a solid game.

But, when you get that deep of a game right out of the box, you also get a whole heck of a lot of content you need to sort through to reach Rank 40 for any given race and a whole lot of nothing to help you do it. That brings me to today’s post. I want to introduce you to a guide I’ve recently uncovered in my initial gameplay time with Warhammer Online – the first real leveling guide I’ve seen since it came out to capture every detail and lock into every necessary step to reach Rank 40 without backtracking, grinding, or wasting your time dying in an overpowered Public Quest.

Warhammer Elite is special right now because it is the only guide I’ve seen yet that is based almost entirely off of the live game and not the closed beta from weeks or even months ago. With that, you get a complete run through of the game that is 100% accurate and detailed with maps, screenshots of many of the game’s hundreds of steps, and dozens of pages of content designed only to help you reach Rank 40.

Toss in the recognition of multiple leveling methods including Public Quests and the Tome of Knowledge and you have a downright solid tool to get from 1-40 as fast as possible. Personally, I’m a huge fan of RvR but Mythic has turned down the XP gain from scenarios enough that I have to spend a night here and there leveling through traditional quests. After five days of RvR though, it is hard to remember where I was in my PvE leveling. With Warhammer Elite that problem has disappeared and I’m actually even playing less RvR as I get so involved in the PvE quests. This guide is the real deal folks.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Using the Scarlett Monastery to Gear Your World of Warcraft Character

Scarlet Monastery has the best drops for 29-40 characters. Here is a list of what drops there and who drops it so that you can plan how to get the best gear for your character.


The Library drops the key to unlock the other two zones, so it should be where you go first in the Scarlett Monastery. There are two bosses in The Library. Here is what they drop.

Houndmaster Loksey drops:

· The Dog Whistle, which is a whistle that summons a dog to fight for you for 10 minutes.
· The Loksey's Training Stick, which is a staff that increases attack power.
· The Dog Training Gloves, which are good for rouges and feral druids.

Arcanist Doan drops:

· The Deadman's Hand, which is an epic ring that is great for all melee classes.
· The Hypnotic Blade, which is a caster's blade.
· The Mantle of Doan and the Robe of Doan, which are both for cloth users.
· The Illusionary Rod, which is great for casters such as warlocks.

The Armory

The next part of the instance to hit is the Armory. It has one boss that drops great mail melee gear and a fantastic two-handed axe:

· Herod's Shoulder
· Raging Berserker's Helm
· Scarlet Leggings
· Ravager

The Cathedral

The bosses in The Cathedral, High Inquisitor Fairbanks, High Inquisitor Whitemane, and Scarlet Commander Mograine (which are side-by-side), drop some fantastic gear.

High Inquisitor Fairbanks drops:

· Dusty Mail Boots, which are mail boots for tanks.
· Inquisitor's Shawl, which is cloth for spell casters.
· Branded Leather Bracers, which are good for druids and rouges.

High Inquisitor Whitemane, and Scarlet Commander Mograine drop:

· The Triune Amulet, which has great stats for any class because it has something for everyone.
· Mograine's Might, which is great for feral druids and mace speced warriors.
· The Hand of Righteousness, which is a healing mace that is a must have for all healers.
· Whitemane's Chapeau, which is a cloth hat for casters.
· Aegis of the Scarlet Commander, which is a shield for any tank class.
· Gauntlets of Divinity, which are gloves for melee classes that wear mail.
· Scarlet Leggings, which are for mail class characters.

Sometimes playing just one character can be boring. The game can be a lot more fun when you have multiple characters to play. Whether you're working on your first character or your fifth, a leveling guide like the Team Idemise Guide will help you get it to level 70 fast.

World of Strats publishes raiding guides, strategies and other articles about the popular online game, World of Warcraft. Visit for more ways to get the most out of your WoW game.

Walkthrough for World Of Wacraft

If you're looking for a good World of Warcraft guide to help you through the many levels of play, you might want to also look through some of the numerous web pages available on the World of Warcraft walkthrough.

These are more or less the same thing as they both deal with detailed guides to how you can wind your way through the World of Warcraft game. These are not cheats though so you have nothing to worry about on that score.

The World of Warcraft walkthrough and the leveling guides which you will find are merely there to help you navigate a clearer course through the sometimes murky waters of the World of Warcraft.

There is no law that requires you to use the World of Warcraft walkthrough verbatim. Instead, you are able to progress in the game at you own leisurely time and if all else fails you can use the World Of Warcraft walkthrough.

When you've stopped in an area with no idea as to what to do or where to proceed next then using a World of Warcraft walkthrough can be an enormous help and provide much needed relief.

The people who would normally compile a walkthrough have already gone through the game of World of Warcraft and have experienced many a quest and battle. They have come to the same impasse as you are facing and have been through similar situations that you have been through.

You can continue to wander aimlessly around the game trying to find your own way around a problem, or you can make easier by using the World Of Warcraft Walkthrough.

Another good thing to come about from the World of Warcraft walkthrough is that a rank beginner will be able to find help from a source that is willing to yield up its secrets.

Most World of Warcraft walkthrough sites will give their information for free but most of the better ones you will need to pay for as they are very detailed and thorough and may include maps as well as videos in some circumstances.

You will also find that if you follow some of the advice to be found in the World of Warcraft walkthrough that you will be leveling up faster and in a completely legitimate manner as well. It just doesn't get any better than that!

If you want to try a walkthrough then check out World of Warcraft Mastery at

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

World of Warcraft Leveling Guide

A whole world of fun and adventure await, indeed, an entire life will burst off the screen at you as you play this game of World of Warcraft.

This world of warcraft leveling guide, which is part of a package of world of warcraft guides provided by World of Warcraft Mastery, assumes that you are a relative newcomer to the game. Terminology will be explained, as will game concepts. Long time gamers will also benefit greatly and will soon learn that this wow leveling guide is an indispensable resource. It will help with locations and techniques for those of you who may be stranded or stalled in the game and want to get going again.

The focus of this wow leveling guide is to be on helping you level fast and have a ball while doing so.

The warcraft leveling guide gives you timeless, proven strategies for leveling and for having fun. You won't find any cheap exploits or questionable shortcuts or hacks that may get you banned in this leveling guide, so look elsewhere if that's what you want.

The wow leveling guide presents strategies and tips to level your character. It offers two levels of tips for each strategy: the Maniac and the Player.

1. The Maniac

You're a player's player. You're life outside of the game of WoW is non existent. Girls (or boys), food, TV, going to the bathroom, and so on are for lightweights and wimps. You intend on leveling solo more often than not since playing with others slows your progress. Your sole purpose is to get you character to the next level until you reach your ultimate goal and the annihilate all enemies in your path to the top!

You're totally covered with this world of warcraft leveling guide.

2. The Player

You want to have fun. You desire to discover unknown territories, make new friends, destroy bad-ass monsters, and master all aspects of this comprehensive game. You intend on joining groups with other players, being part of a guild, and filling your bags with wow gold.

Want to know which character is best to play? The truth is there is no such thing as the best class to play. All the classes have been well devised and are fairly well balanced. A class in World of Warcraft is not necessarily better than another because essentially they were designed to player certain roles in the game. But, below are some tips on classes you might consider.

The key with any of these classes is to learn to play them, and play them well. The perfect location to learn? Why, by playing of course! Want to know another place to learn to play your class? Worlld of Warcraft Mastery Class Guides. There's so much information in this wow leveling guide, it'll make your head spin.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Nintendo Wii - tips on shopping

Do you know one of the hottest commodities sold on the market today? A lot of people are already looking for it and maybe, you should buy one too. If you love games, then you've probably heard of Nintendo Wii. This game console was able to create huge sparks despite its limited production. You can't easily find Nintendo Wii in local retail stores, which has been a major problem. If you think that you can't easily find one online, you're very wrong.

Before you take the leap, you have to know a few things about Nintendo Wii. Here are some tips that you may want to consider about Nintendo Wii.

1. The game console is usually sold in a package or Bundle. You have to determine what is included in the bundle. The price is usually affected by the extras included in the package. If you purchase a package with no extras, the price is cheaper. However, a bundle package is still cheaper than buying everything separately. Buying individual games in the future can be more expensive; so if you have any financial constraints(who doesn’t),take advantage of the Bundle package with extras, here is a good selection to check out.


2. When making purchases through online stores, you have to check the seller as well as the feedbacks. Even if the feedbacks are mostly positive, you still have to check the complaints or negative feedback, and any seller responses. Take negative feedback with a grain of salt, it may have been left just for spite.


3. There are some online stores that don't hold sellers accountable and if you're making a purchase with that kind of store, it’s safer to use a service such as Pay-pal. Auctions are still the best way to find a real bargain, and shopping at places like e-bay are very safe.


4. Suppose you found a Nintendo Wii package with extras online for just $150.Don't just grab the package; instead, ask why the package is priced very low. It may be the seller has just priced it low for a quick sale. Ask.


5. When making an online purchase, you should have everything documented. Get the website URL, receipt, addresses, names, telephone numbers, etc. Being organized has some advantages, again, use of a payment service is still best.


6. If you already own a Nintendo Wii, make sure you get the right Accessories. This is the only way to enjoy the game console; it really enhances game play tremendously. Plus it’s the only way to take advantage of the Wii’s awesome technology.


By doing your homework, you can get all the facts about the new Nintendo Wii. You can use such information when making a purchase of a brand new game console or when buying accessories in the future. Shop around and find a reliable and reasonably priced Nintendo Wii. A really great place to start is Nintendo Wii, This site has alot to offer - check it out.

Maiden Boss Strategy for World of Warcraft’s Karazhan Instance

The Maiden boss fight is one of the simpler fights in the Karazhan instance. This fight is a straightforward tank and DPS fight, with some exceptions. 

At the start of the fight you want the tank, main healer, and one melee DPS player to stand in the entry way  to the boss room. To start the fight, the tank runs in and aggros the maiden with the melee DPS player right behind him.

The main healer stands at the pillars in the entryway while the rest of the raid group spreads out in a circle around the maiden. The circle should have a DPS/ healer formation. In other words, DPS players should stand on either side of a healer in the circle to avoid line-of-sight issues.

The maiden will do a spell called Repentance, which will put all of the players asleep. Right before she is able to cast, all players must move into her Area of Effect, or AoE, range so that when they are put to sleep they are brought back awake by her AoE damage.

After waking up, all the players need to move back to their spot outside the ring and continue DPS.

The maiden will also cast several other spells that will need to be taken care of. The first one is Holy Fire, which is a Damage Over Time spell, also called a DoT. This is placed on a random player in the raid. It does 3500 fire damage and 1750 more per second for 12 seconds. Because of this, Holy Fire must be dispelled right away.

Holy Wrath is another spell that she does. This is an Area of Effect, or AoE, spell. It has a range of zero yards so the tank will be the first to get hit by it. Then, it will then chain to the next person in range, which should be the DPS with the tank. Holy Wrath does 1900 damage to the tank and 2900 any others that are near them. The damage goes up 1000 more damage per very person that is standing near the maiden. This is why only one other person should be standing by the maiden.

The last spell is Holy Ground and it is similar to the paladin Consecration spell. It does 240-360 damage every three seconds and silences all non-instant casts for .5 seconds with a range of 12 yards. The good news is that Holy Ground is the spell that awakens players from Repentance.

This process should continue until the maiden is dead. These will help you get some of the best gear for your character; a guide like Idemise guide will help learn more things.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

A Guide to the World of Warcraft Shaman

In this world, a shaman is all about the spiritual world and the belief of it. In the World of Warcraft, the character Shaman is an integral member of any group that possesses great power and incredible skills. If you are thinking of choosing this character, then continue to read this guide on how to become a great WoW Shaman.

The very significant things to note before starting as a Shaman is to make sure that your own skills match well with this class and that you must look for a group that is also in need for a Shaman. Make sure that you join a group that needs a shaman. When put in a group, they integrate the strength needed using their natural abilities.

Getting Started as a Shaman

This class is limited when starting out, for example, only the Dranei can be a Shaman for the Alliance. For the Horde, you'll only have Orc, Trolls, the Undead or Tauren. This indicates that you will initially need to accept some of this races weaker points, as they do have long-term benefits and uses.

Shamans use their mana points to cast some spells. It’s best to be moderate about it—not using too much or too little—to achieve more success in using this class. It is best to approach moderately, avoiding utilizing too much or too little. When not used with caution, you either waste time trying to regenerate or lose much needed health points.

Shamans are known for their healing skills, that is why you must try to build up your spell arsenal, your ranged weapons and most specially, your healing spells. hamans need groups for protection, and groups needs Shamans for the healing spells, which is why it may be best to learn all of the healing spells and potions.

How to pick a Shaman profession

Physically demanding professions ( blacksmith, leatherworker) are not ideal for this class. The best profession for Shamans are herbalism and enchanting. Although Skinning also has its own strengths, it can only be useful up to a minimal extent. It’s also suggested that you look for the right combination of primary and secondary professions.

You may consider herbalism and enchanting as you primary and secondary professions. You could also opt to mix alchemy with herbalism or enchanting and alchemy. Others think that mining (as secondary profession) will help you get items, but it actually wastes your extra time in the game.

As a Shaman, the best way to make money would probably have to be by making potions. It would be a good idea to focus most of your time mastering your professions as a Shaman as you may increase your skills and create better and more powerful concoctions that would not only earn you a larger amount of money, but also earn you more acclamation as well.

You can make your own armor by choosing a tailoring profession, but it will be better for you as a shaman to just purchase them. Do not worry; for leather armors are available at Level 40 at an available price. Pieces of armor are also given as rewards for a lot of quests. So it would be a good idea to focus your attention on professions that work as a revenue stream and that gives earns you more skills for the grou.

For information about using Totems, putting it all together and more, check out this WoW Shaman Guide.

World Of Warcraft Gold Strategies – How To Make Gold In World Of Warcraft

The World of Warcraft, commonly referred to as WOW, has invaded the world and is still the leading MMORPG game in the entire planet. MMORPG stands for Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game. One of the most important elements in WOW is gold and there are many world of warcraft gold strategies you can take to make gold in World of Warcraft.

Gold is the main currency in this game. Without gold, you cannot buy potions and tools and armors to make the game enjoyable. Suffice to say, you won´t make it far without earning or buying warcraft gold. Gold can be earned by killing monsters and other players through a duel. Gold is also earned by completing a quest.

One WOW gold strategy used by many players to acquire gold is through looting or gold farming. What these people do is to create characters that function as robots. These characters do nothing all day but to kill and gather gold. Then these characters will give the gold to those who are willing to buy them.

The targets of these people are gamers who do not want to sweat for the gold they earn or do not know how to earn gold in WOW. Instead, they will just buy the gold from the seller and the seller´s character will transfer the gold to the buyer´s character. There are many people who use real money to buy world of warcraft gold and although it is frowned upon by other WOW gamers, I know of a lot of gamers who build their characters and their weapons this way.

There are other WOW gold strategies as well. For example, you can pick a secondary skill such as mining, blacksmithing and leatherworking etc and make gold by selling your created items to auction houses.

Click here to learn the best world of warcraft gold strategies you can use straight away. If you are interested in WOW gold farming, click here to get the world of warcraft gold farming guide.

Friday, October 17, 2008

World of Warcraft: Guide for Enchanting

One of the most famous professions in WoW is Enchanting, but it is also considered as one of the hardest to learn. However, it is definitely worth it because you will be constantly using these abilites. With this WoW Enchanting Guide, the aim is to learn more about Enchanting. Enchanting items by adding special attributes to them is not all what enchanters do. They could also disenchant items and When learned, it comes in handy in various situations in the game.

Although enchanting is a skill not for everyone, if you find in yourself a great deal of patience and the belief that this skill would be helpful to your quest, it’s worth trying it. This guide is going to make it easier for you.

WoW Enchanting Guide: Getting Started

You need to find a trainer to get your apprenticeship. This would be easy to do and many trainers are available in various locales in bigger cities. You'd also need a second profession, like tailoring, for example. You do have lots of other options. Just remember that you will not have to do much gathering in your profession, thus you do not need to choose a secondary profession based on gathering, like mining.

Now, you need an item to enchant and the recipe for enchanting it. Use your disenchantments very carefully, as you can never take your disenchantment back once you’ve done it. Use your disenchantments very carefully, as you can never take your disenchantment back once you’ve done it.

Enchanted Armor set


To start the actual process of enchanting, let's work on an Enchant Bracer, which is worn on the wrist to deflect objects. This recipe requires strange dust and lesser magic essence. If you still don’t have these items, purchase them from the auction house or from a vendor.

As soon as you get all your items ready, open the spellbook and go to your enchanting window. Simply follow the instructions and you would get you first enchanted item for level 1. You would need to go on to get past 300.


Disenchanting an item may be necessary at times so you can collect the special dusts and poweders that you need. To do this, open your spellbook and select disenchant. Move your mouse over to the item to disenchant. Remember that it may take a few minutes to complete and that you can't undo the process once it starts.

Disenchanting items is the most efficient way to get dust and other items for your enchanting recipes. Here’s a quick guide to help you get the items you need:

Dust – Green Armor

Essence – Green Weapons

Shard – Blue Items

Nexus Crystal – Purple Items (up to 60)

Void Crystals – Purple Items (after level 60)

What to Do With Your Skill

Now that you know how to enchant items, you can now trade them with other players if you want to be social, or you can sell them. You can also auction them at the auction house.

To find out more about enchanting, go to page 2 of WoW Black Book's WoW Enchanting Guide.


Thursday, October 16, 2008

Safe Downloads for Nintendo Wii

Gamers and casual players are excited about a revolution created by Nintendo, namely the Nintendo Wii. Débuting way back in 2006, the Wii has risen to the top of the heap.  Unless you live on Mars, you know exactly the console to which I am referring.

Security issues of game down-loads are on the minds of many Wii gamers, the internet provides a lot of resources and that includes game down loads. But down loading games from the internet can be risky in many ways. Their concerns are justified.

I’m sure you’ve searched for Wii games online using search engines. You probably gathered thousands of search results, right? Security problems arise because you can't easily tell the good sites from the bad ones. If you've regularly download from the internet, you know by now that some websites contain viruses that can infect your computer or your Wii console. Other site pages can even steal personal information especially if you haven't checked if the page is encrypted or not. You must therefore be very careful in choosing the websites that you visit.

The ability to turn your Wii into a total entertainment system at home is possible with so many potentially cool downloads. You can actually download the latest game releases as well as retro games. Provided you find an honest website. A good thing about the Nintendo Wii is that it accepts other media and so you can also download TV shows, music, etc.

Membership sites are an excellent option. Once you pay a one-time fee, you can download all the games, music, and TV shows you like with no limit. Plus with a good membership site, you can be sure that the games are free from harmful viruses or spyware that can damage your Wii. Now, you don't have to buy new games because you can download them for free.

Locating a good member website can be a daunting task. One option is to ask fellow gamers in forums because they probably know reliable sites that you can investigate. You could also visit Nintendo's website because they have helpful information there.  Be cautious, but most of all, have fun.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

PSP Direct Downloads – Where To Find Direct PSP Games Download

Are you looking for PSP Direct Downloads? If so, there are millions of PSP gamers just like you search for PSP direct games download. Read on to learn where to find these full version PSP games download.

The Sony PSP is one of the most popular gaming consoles today. With its versatility and range of features, it can do more than just play games. You can watch movies, listen to music and even surf the internet with the PSP. With hundreds of games being developed for the PSP, there is no lack of entertainment if you own the PSP.

Where To Download PSP Games Direct?

There are a few websites that offers free psp games download. However, I would not recommend downloading PSP games from these sites. One reason is because most of the files are corrupted or incomplete.

Some of the files are also infected with viruses and spyware and can cause a lot of problems for your computer. Some files are not even PSP games. Usually, downloaded PSP games files end with a cso or iso extension. Those without these extensions cannot be played on the PSP.

The download speed is also very slow. Since most PSP games are about 300MB to 1GB in size, it can take forever to download, not to mention the connection gets cut off very frequently.

A better alternative to get PSP direct downloads is to join a paid PSP download membership site such as PSPBlender or AllPSPGames. These sites allows you to download unlimited PSP games for a one time fee.

Since you get unlimited and lifetime access, you can download as many PSP games, movies, music and more anytime and anywhere you want.

The download speeds are way faster and the files are authentic PSP games or movies files you can play on your PSP. They even provide instructions on how to do that if you are new to all this.

Discover the best site to get PSP direct downloads. Learn how you can download full PSP games right away.

Can I get a Game Tester Job?

How To Get a Game Tester Job is one of the most talked about points online, with most people, including me, thinking that it is my dream job.

Also as there are more consoles and video games than ever before so there is much higher demand for good video game testers.

Here is some advice for those of you that are interested in getting a game tester job.

The best way to go about getting into the gaming industry is if you know any programmers or freelance game designers. These guys can really help you get your foot in the door so to speak.

Unfortunately we are not all lucky enough to know people in the industry so we need to do the research on the net for video game development companies and find on their websites if they are currently looking for video game testers and advertising Game tester jobs.

A good way To Get A Game Tester Job is to call the companies up and tell them how many video games you play and how good you are at them. Being proactive will help show them that you are very serious about a career as a game tester.

No qualifications or degrees are needed to get a Game Tester Job but good writing and communication skills will help, but that will come with experience. If you show that you are a good video game tester and write helpful review on your first job you will more than likely be offered further work.

It is not that hard to get a game tester job and by actively seeking employment and showing them how good you are you are sure to find employment. Maybe even ask for a trial period to prove yourself and show them how keen you are.

I hope this has helped you learn How To Get A Game Tester Job. You can cut the learning curve drastically by following someone who does it for a living already at Game Tester job.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Let Joana Guide You in Horde Leveling

Is Joana's Horde Leveling Guide a scam? A lot of people have been consistently asking me that question.

People wonder about the hype surrounding it over the internet. It doesn't help that the website's design suggests an inclination to marketing either. Some forum board people even think that Joana is cheating because he levels way too fast. 

What I can tell you right now is that Joana is the real deal. He's a legitimate World of Warcraft champion and he wrote this amazing guide. If you want to get your money's worth at WoW, then listen to him. In fact, you won't have to listen to any other Horde guide out there once you get Joana's.

Contents of the members area:

1. Joana's 1-25 Blood Elf Leveling Guide  

2. Joana's 1-60 Horde Leveling Guide 

3. Joana's 60-70 Outland Step-by-Step Guide 

4. Joana's 60-70 Outland Reference Guide 

5. Change Log for Joana's Guides 

6. Class Guides - Submitted by Users

This list does not do justice to the comprehensive knowledge you can find inside Joana's Horde Leveling Guide. This is simply an introduction. Other World of Warcraft Leveling Guides may instruct you endlessly, but Joana will not only teach you, but helps you to be better on it.

The comprehensively written guide with step-by-step easy-to-follow instructions includes the following:

1. Numbered instructions which are easy to follow with details for each level.

2. Detailed maps showing the path you should take and where you should be able to complete each numbered step.

3. A complete video that shows how Joana completes each level – while you watch it in real-time. If you think he's cheating, just go ahead and watch the entire video to show you what he does that makes him so fast.

Joana can help you make it from level 1 to 70 as a Horde in an easier and faster way. It's definitely a gem.


PS3 Sale Price

Searching for a PS3 on sale can be a daunting task.  If you do see them on sale it's not much off the regular price.  It can be discouraging if you're trying to save a few bucks.

I know how you feel!  The justifcation for the purchase may have been difficult in the beginning but there was plenty of it in the end.  I knew I could try to sell my old PS2 and even the games to raise money for a PS3 fund.  I've even thought about my old jeans in the closet, the ones with holes in them and seem all fashionable and seeing what I could sell them for on eBay.  I even cleaned out the garage scrounging for old tools and junk that I haven't used in years so I could sell them on eBay.  We even had a yard sale so I could try to earn enough money to buy the PS3.  It was hard to justify the time spent after I counted my till and it came up to just over $50.  I don't recommend garage sales as you'll end up getting less money for your stuff!  I definitely recommend auctioning your old stuff off on eBay, you'll make much more money.

You see, I've felt the same way before.  With all the available accessories, games and hi-tech features you really get more bang for your buck with the PS3.  The fact that it is Blu-Ray is a huge selling point for me.  I could not only play HD games on it but I could now watch all my movies in HD as well.  Good luck getting that point past the wife!  Once we went to HD with DirecTV, including the DVR, my wife was convinced and we hardly watch anything that is not in HD.  I had won her over on every point exept the price.

I've done my homework in this area and I simply haven't been able to find a better value for the money than the PS3.  Even when it's not on sale!  You can buy a Blu-Ray DVD player for your movies but it will not play PS3 games.  The new XBOX does play games in HD and movies as well but it uses the not-chosen HD DVD format.  The challenge remains in getting the PS3 at a discount. 

I searched on eBay and some other traditional auction sites and found that there really aren't any PS3 Sale Prices out there.  They make you spend much more than you would for just the console by throwing in all these games and accessories.  The goal here is to spend as little money as possible, not more. 

I had to get creative with my thinking and break away from the herd.  I began looking into unique bid auction sites.  There are a few decent ones out there but the one that stands out to me is  They have much more selection among everyday items than most of the other sites including the PS3.  Most other sites focus on really high-dollar items like cars, boats, houses and land.  You can pretty it up all you want but I just want the PS3!

I knew I had a winner when I found that site.  Two thumbs up as they had the exact item I wanted and I could get it for cheap.  I quickly setup an account on the site.  I rung up 3 bids and knew I had the lowest and unique bid.  I was only slightly discouraged when I didn't win the first time.  It was another couple of days before another one came up for auction.  I placed a few more bids and slept well that night.  Bingo!  This time I had a winner.  1 week later I was unboxing my new PS3.  All I had spent on it was $59.64.  Pretty darn good, huh?

It can take a few minutes of reading to truly grasp the concept of the lowest unique bid auction style.  But once you get it, it can be addicting.  Since that time that I won the PS3 I've bid on and won 3 other items including an iPod Nano (they have the best iPod Prices) and $400 gas card.  I'm getting about 4 to 1 on my money so far with $1,200 in items for less than $360 in bidding. 

If you're looking for the best prices don't bother with the Best Buys or Walmarts.  You can surely get a great deal when you go register at Auctions4aCause.

Monday, October 13, 2008

How and where to find Special Items on WoW

In the World of Warcraft, some specific items that are very much useful in the game are hidden in various locations. These said items could be sold at the Auction House or to vendors, and are definitely a great way to make more money. Here’s a quick guide on how to find special items in the World of Warcraft.

Black Lotus - It can be found in Winterspring. Check it out in the vicinity of the cave of the blue dragon. This is the best spot, but you can also find it in the Badlands and the Eastern Plaguelands.

By mining the Dark Nodes in the Searing Mountains, you could earn this for yourself. Blood of the Mountain - If you are near mastering your profession, it is necessary for quests later on in the game. This sells incredibly well in the auction house.

Dark Runes – If you go after only one item, this should be it. Dark Runes are a must for this game and there is such a high number of demand. You can get them by killing mobs in Scholo.

Essence of Water – You could find these items in the Felwoods, where the mobs have a very high drop rate, making it a very lucrative find.

Larval Acid – One of these can easily get you 10 gold pieces so having some may be handy in the trade. Larval Acid is found in the Eastern Plaguelands by grinding slugs. This is a great manner to earn gold fast since the drop rate is actually quite high.

Stonescale Eels – These items are pretty hard to find and you'd probably need to try your luck getting them late at night to get better results. Look for these on the coasts of Kalimdor. You can usually get around 1 gold piece for each one that you find.

After knowing how to find special items in the World of Warcraft, you've got to learn how to sell them. Here are som Auction House tips:

Since you’re going to need to sell these items in the auction house for best results, it’s important to have a good strategy to make the most money. For beginners who are unaware of how selling things at the auction house works, you may have to observe the procedure first for a couple of days. It will help you familiarize the idea of pricing and demand and how the auction works in general.

I would suggest pricing your items reasonably and at neither a price too high nor too low. The auction system will provide you with a standard price that you will be basing the prices of your items on. Try scheduling auctions on early evenings. You can easily do well at an auction during this time, while the middle of the night can be very slow.

Flooding the auction house with too many similar items is bad strategy. ind you, it could be very tempting to lay down everything you own and move on, but this will later prove to be a very bad idea. You may choose one of each of your more popular items, or maybe three or four of the more common items. You will have better chances of obtaining higher prices if you bring some of your items after leaving the marketplace.

Although undercutting the prices of your competitors may seem like a good strategy, it may only ruin the market for an item. Play the game clean and keep your prices fair to do well at the auction house. This will only increase your chance of gaining enemies. To assure of a better chance of being successful at the auction house, come up with fair prices.

That's just the gist of knowing how to find special items in the World of Warcraft but I hope you learned a lot of practical information from this article and that you get to apply it in your game. Have fun playing!

How Can I Get a Game Tester Job?

Becoming a Game Tester is a very popular subject online right now, and rightly so because that it is definitely my dream job.

There are now more game consoles and game producers than ever, and the demand for good video game testers has rocketed.

I am going to give you some pointers on how to Get A Game Tester Job.

The best way to go about getting into the gaming industry is if you know any programmers or freelance game designers. These guys can really help you get your foot in the door so to speak.

Most people are not fortunate enough to know a programmer or game development team so you will have to go and actively look on the net for video game development companies and find on their websites if they are currently looking for video game testers and advertising Game tester jobs.

You can also get the Game Developers contact number, call them up and let them know how many games you play and how good you are at them. Being proactive will help show them that you are very serious about a career as a game tester.

The great thing is you you don't need any qualifications or a degree to get a Game Tester Job but good writing and communication skills will come in handy, but that will come with experience. If you show that you are a good video game tester and write good review on your first job you will more than likely be offered further work.

It is relatively easy to get a game tester job and by being proactive and finding employment and showing them how good you are you are sure to find employment. You can even ask for a test period to show that you are eager enough you will sooner or later get your video game tester job.

I hope this has helped you learn How To Get A Game Tester Job. You can cut the learning curve drastically by following someone who does it for a living already at Game Tester

Sunday, October 12, 2008

A Video Game Environment of Your Own

A Video Game Environment of Your Own

Are you someone who dreams about creating their own video gaming room? Maybe a place where you and your gaming friends can go to spend hours of uninterrupted game time. A place that you can really go to be engrossed in playing the game. It’s really pretty simple to create such a place and you don’t need to rent out a big game hall to do it. This article will introduce a few ideas you can use to build the ultimate gaming center.

The first thing that you want to do is maintain a happy household if you have a family living with you. Trying to play a mean game of Super Mario or Halo 2 can be impossible with kids running around the house screaming. If your constantly interrupted by your spouse about chores still needing to be done, then it will be hard to really get into role playing. Keep a happy home, by keeping a happy marriage, and your time spent playing video games is heaven away from heaven.

Still, trying to figure out getting to the next game level can take a lot of time and focus, and it is during these times that you certainly do not want to be interrupted and loose the ground you have gained. This is no time to be distracted and if home life isn’t what it could be, you’ll never be able to concentrate on your game. It’s best to work on your home environment first and then your gaming environment will be much more enjoyable.

One good way to do this, is to find a place you can use exclusively for playing your video games. This will not only emphasize the importance that gaming is to you, it will also become conducive to the mentality that you need to play a fun and relaxing, albeit, serious game. Budget permitting, decorate the room with all the amenities that you want. Perhaps you could have a few chairs or recliners for your gaming buddies to use when they come over, and even a mini-refrigerator or microwave to help during those longer gaming sessions. This can be your favorite room in the house, so make it one that you will enjoy spending a lot of time in.

Your new gaming space should be a reflection of you and it is important to keep it well maintained, in a condition that is welcoming to your guests and your family members. Keep your equipment and games clean. Take care to keep wires from tangling and organize your magazine subscriptions, books, or Internet cheat sheet printouts. As you keep up on it daily, then it is not an overwhelming task that you have to do every week. By keeping up with the rooms overall appearance, you will show your other family members that it is an important place for you to have and use.

Make sure that you don’t play too much and begin to isolate yourself from your family. Most people have a favorite hobby and will usually use a room or place within the home to keep the things that are associated with it. Gamers, need to have a place to play that is set aside just for them, but they need to make sure not to turn it into some type of ’hide out’ from the rest of the family. It’s not an area to hide from the kids, it’s not a place to shun home responsibilities, and it’s not a place to live. If this special space is approached in the latter manner, you’ll soon discover it will be a place of resentment, uncontrollable habit, or even depression. Be careful, schedule time with the family, and enter your video playroom at appropriate times. You will see your family responding to this and they will begin to not resent your time playing games, because they know they are important to you.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Free PSP Games Downloads – Get Free Downloadable PSP Games

Unfortunately, there is no such thing as download free PSP games. Well, perhaps there are people who really offer free PSP games downloads but there is a risk associated there. Nothing in this life is for free except for the air that we breathe. Anyhow, there are certainly websites that offer free PSP files and free PSP games downloads. However, there may be certain terms and conditions that you may not like.

The first option is per-to-peer file sharing. This means that as a member, you will be able to get free downloads of any files as long as one member has the file and is willing to share it with the whole world.

The catch is, majority of these pee-to-peer groups have regulations that you have to share files, too, whose sizes are equivalent to the files that you downloaded. Let us say you downloaded an MP3 song that has a total of 4.2 MB, then you have to replace this with either another song or probably pictures equivalent to or more than 4.2 MB. So in essence, the files your downloaded are not free. The payment just happened in a barter system, not monetary system.

Also, be aware that P2P networks often have many viruses and spyware and it is not advisable to download psp games from P2P. Some of the files are corrupted and can´t be downloaded as well.

The best alternative to downloading free PSP games is to join paid PSP games download membership sites. These membership sites allow you to download unlimited PSP games for a one time fee. Besides PSP games, you can also download PSP movies, videos and much more.

Although you need to pay for access to PSP membership sites, the cost is reasonable and you are guaranteed quality PSP games and movies download. In the long run, it only comes to a few cents per PSP game download.

Discover the best site to get free PSP games downloads. Learn how to get PSP free game downloads.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Where to Find an XBox 360 For Sale Cheap

Far be it from Microsoft to miss out on one of the top revenue producing products of this decade. They've come to market with the XBox 360. If you're looking to spend the least amount of money when buying one then you should look at the XBox 360 Arcade version as it's current price is just $199. Tis is really the family-oriented version as the arcade games are suitable for all ages. The memory on this one is fairly low at 256MB but it does come with a wireless controller. This unit comes with virually no accessories, not even a second controller, but let's you get started with the system and add-on as you see fit.

The Xbox 360 Console is advertised as the fully loaded unit. It comes standard with a 60GB hard drive for storage and includes more accessories such as a wireless headset, a network cable and an A/V cable. Though this model doesn't come with any games it plays them all including the original XBox games.

If you're willing ot spare no expense then have a look at the XBox 360 Elite. It comes with a gigantic 120GB hard drive! It has a very cool black finish that makes it stand out from the other units. Other included options are a high-definition output for the ultimate in video clarity, backwards compatible to play ALL the old games and an HDMI cable is also included.

Even with a recent price drop you'll pay a lot for these systems through your local big box store. If you went to someplace like Best Buy to purchase these, they would be around $200 for the Xbox 360 Arcade, about $300 for the Xbox 360 Console and at least $400 if you were to get the ultimate Xbox 360 Elite. That might seem kind of steep for something that will be used for personal entertainment. So the question is, how can you get an Xbox 360 for sale cheap? There are plenty of options available: Go to and bid on one for $9.94 Sites like these make it possible to buy expensive items for pennies on the dollar. Take a look today, I guarantee it will be worth your time.

The Game cube and Wii are not the same

Continuously offering new and pioneering gaming consoles, Nintendo is considered by gamers universally as the best. Ever since the introduction of the Nintendo Wii, loads of faithful fans have been mis-informed. Believing that Nintendo Wii and Nintendo GameCube are the same game console.

Well. According to a chief staff member at Nintendo. They may not be too far off. When the Wii was developed, only the designing software was enhanced. Translation, all Game-cube games can still be used with the Wii operating system. The chief staff member went on to say that all Game-cube titles are “workable” so gamers can use the Wii-mote while playing `cube games.

The above information is well known, but Wii gamers seem to have forgotten about it. Another stupid story is the Wii is nothing more but a re-packaged Game-cube. Let it rest, forget about the arguments regarding hardware details, and leave that to the developers.

Game cube and the Wii are not the same, Period. Stop worrying about what’s on the inside. As long as we are having fun playing the games, who cares? Nothing will change the fact that Nintendo Wii is the most up-to-date game console on the market today; it continually outsells consoles made by Microsoft and Sony.

With Wii’s innovative technology, the competitor’s game consoles can't compete. When you want a truly unique gaming experience the Wii is the best. Everyone has a blast playing the Wii. Best of all, the Nintendo Wii is the best get together & Party gaming console available.

To surmise. The consoles are members of the same class even though they have basic differences. As long as Nintendo Wii can offer quality games that the whole family enjoys, it will remain superior on the market. Get the Nintendo Wii now and if you have GameCube discs, you can also use them with the Wii.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Download Full Version PSP Games – AllPSPGames Review

Are you looking to download full version PSP games? If so, there are millions of people just like you looking for free full psp games downloads on the internet. Read my article below to find out how to download full version PSP games for pennies.

The PSP was first released by Sony in 2004 and since then it has become one of the most popular portable gaming console on the market. With its versatility and wide ranges of features, you can use the PSP to play games, movies, music and even surf the internet. There are also hundreds of games being developed for the PSP platform.

There are many free PSP games download sites online. However, I would not recommend you download from these sites as it is not safe. Many of these sites have viruses and spyware and could wreck havoc on your computer if downloaded.

The files are also not what they seemed. Some are just game trailers while some are not even PSP games at all. Most full version PSP games download have a PSP cso or iso extension. If you don´t see those, it would not be able to play on your PSP.

The download speeds on these free public psp download sites are also incredibly slow. Most PSP games are between 500 MB to 1 GB. It can take forever if you are on a slow websites. Since they are free, don´t expect to download psp games fast.

The best alternative I found to download full version PSP games is to join a paid PSP games download site such as AllPSPGames. These sites allows you to download unlimited full PSP games for a one time fee.

So, for less than 50 bucks, you can download unlimited PSP games, movies and music and much more. The game files are certified virus and spyware free and the download speeds are much faster.

Since you have lifetime PSP membership, you can download full PSP games anytime and anywhere you want.

Discover the best site to download free PSP games. Learn where to get free PSP full game downloads.

World of Warcraft Fishing

This WoW Fishing Guide was set up to teach you how to level as fast as possible. Anything with no relevance was omitted.

Considering that I will be covering the facts on how to fish and what not, I have decided to also cover cooking since they complement each other well; you will be able to use your time to polish your skills on both fishing and cooking at the same time.

To complete this guide, it may take you about 15 hours (11 hours if you’re a fast learner).

Causes in skill rate change:

A player’s skill rate increases due to the number of successful catches he makes.

Here is the approximate equation:

(current unmodified fishing level - 25) / 25 = # of fish needed to level, assuming there's a minimum number of fish per catch.

You should be conscious that your skill rate changes depending on the number of successful catches that you make. You should be conscious that your skill rate changes depending on the number of successful catches that you make.


1. Begin journey at Bloodhoof Village in Mulgore.

2. Purchase Brilliant Smallfish and Mud Snapper Recipes after talking to Harn Longcast.

3. After that, you must go to Stonebull Lake where you may begin fishing.

4. Start equipping the rod, then apply the shiny bauble lure in it. This makes fishing a lot easier!

5. Spend about 40 minutes catching 60 Brilliant Smallfish.

6. After catching the 60 Longjaw Mud Snappers, cook all of them. After catching the 60 Longjaw Mud Snappers, cook all of them. Go back to Harn Longcast and ask him fire or You may also build your own.

7. Start cooking the Brilliant Smallfish.

8. Start cooking Longjaw Mud Snappers at level 50.

9. Then, start catching Longjaw Mud Snappers in the pond in Orgrimmar. The drop rate is better in Orgrimmar, so it is adviced to go directly in there rather than stay in your place.

10. Between levels 50 and 70, learn Journeyman cooking and fishing.

11. Catch at least 30 Longjaw Mud Snappers for you to raise your cooking to 100.

12. Go to Tarren Mill in Hillsbrad. Talk to Derak Nightfall and purchase Bristle Whisker Catfish recipe.

13. In order to reach your cooking level up to 175, you will be required about 80 to 100 of these.

14. Between levels 125 and 150, go to Shadowprey Village in Desolace and purchase Expert Cookbook.

15. Go to Booty Bay and purchase a book for your fishing level. Get old man Heming’s book of Expert Fishing.

16. Upon reaching 175 cooking, proceed to Shadowprey Village in Desolace.

17. Seek Wulan and buy Mithril Head Trout recipe to begin fishing on the pier.

18. Catch about 60 of these to reach cooking level 225.

You should have raised your level in fishing and cooking to 225 after following these 18 steps. This is the farthest you could reach if you have not gone up to level 35 just yet. If you are over level 35, you will have 2 quests more to compelte before you can continue.

First quest: Cooking and Second quest: Fishing

For my alliance fishing guide, go to World of Warcraft Fishing Guide (Alliance).

Check out our World Of Warcraft Fishing Guide & Wow Fishing Guide

I highly recommend that you sign up to our free mini course which is a quick guide to Levelling from 1-75 in World of Warcraft. Thanks a lot for reading! I hope you've gained some valuable info from this WoW fishing guide.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Download Free Music PSP Video – Download PSP Music For PSP

It has always been said that nothing in this world is free except for the air we breathe. The reason for this is that all people want profits. This is also applicable in many websites misleading people to download free music PSP video.

You will be lucky if the content of such files are not viruses. There are a lot of free PSP downloading websites whose content are pure garbage. They claim to offer as much freebies as they can but in reality, these websites only function as advertising areas for their affiliate programs.

So how do you download free music PSP video? Well, there are several options. The first is to join a network called peer-to-peer or P2P. You need to install a P2P software on your computer so you can get files from other people´s computers. The concept of peer-to-peer file sharing is that people all over the world will upload and download different kinds of files-videos, Mp3s, documents, pictures—for free.

In some cases, what they do is to have quotas or regulations per byte to avoid parasitism. For example, one person can only download files whose equivalent sizes that of the files he has uploaded or shared. Another important point is the download speeds may vary and if the PSP file is not popular, it can be difficult to download the PSP music videos.

Another alternative is to join a PSP music video download service or site. These PSP download sites allows you to download unlimited PSP music videos, games and movies for a one time fee. The download speeds are faster and the PSP music video files are authentic.

I highly recommend the last option to download free PSP music video. You can download legitimate psp music videos for a one time fee and there are no download limits

Discover the best site to download free music psp video. Learn how to download music on PSP.

Xbox 360 Accessories: Get the Best

If you own an Xbox 360, you know that there are many option for accessories out there. Whether you need controllers, faceplates, wireless accessories, or any other of the myriad types of controllers on the market, you're sure to find the whole process confusing over time. How can you find the best Xbox 360 accessories without wasting your time and money?

The first thing to keep in mind is that first party accessories are generally much higher in quality than third part offerings. Though buying third party might seem like a great way to save on accessories, the quality is very much lower most of the time. However, there are many exceptions to this rule.

One exception to this rule are special, custom modified controllers that allow you to do things like rapid fire. These will work well if they have been made by a hobbiest of good repute.

Another area where you can often go third party is network gear. You don't need to purchase the expensive Microsoft components when the stuff from Linksys and Netgear will do a great job by themselves. Check into if you have a hard network to setup.

Also, special controllers, such as the Guitar Hero ones, are inherently third party. You can't get a Microsoft made controller for these games, so replacements will always be third party.

Cosmetic components such as faceplates are also commonly sold by third part accessory makers. Buy whatever you think looks cool, since these are only cosmetic aprts.

When buying used accessories, be careful to see how much they've been used. Controllers and other accessories can were out with use, and become non-functional. Many of these used controllers will have intermittent issues, which means they sometimes, but not always, work. Of course, we all know that the times they don't work will be your most important game times. This is Murphy's Law.

Overall, the second generation Xbox has proven quite a hot seller for Microsoft. Any succusfull system is always accompanied by a slew of accessories, and the 360 is no exception. Remember, though, that the Microsoft brands of most accessories will be the way to go, even if they do cost you a little more. You can minimize this cost by shopping at online stores devoted to selling Xbox 360 accessories. By buying the best accessories, you get a much better gaming experience. Thanks for reading.

Monday, October 6, 2008

PSP Movie Downloads – Where To Download PSP Games And Movies

Is it possible to get PSP movie downloads online? The answer is yes but it depends on where you get your PSP movies downloads from.

The Sony PSP is one of the most portable gaming consoles of all time. Besides games, it can play PSP movies, music and even the internet through it´s built in browser.

One way is get PSP movie downloads is to use a software converter that can convert your DVD to PSP compatible format. There are several such DVD to PSP converters on the market. An example is PQDVD and it does a pretty good job as well.

Another alternative way is to download from free PSP movies download sites. The problem with that is most of the movies are low quality, designed to save on bandwidth. Some sites have viruses and spyware so you should be careful. The download speeds are slow and they often makes it difficult to download with unlimited popups and large flashing banners.

Another alternative to downloading free psp movies is through P2P sites. P2P stands for peer to peer and it allows millions of users worldwide to share and download files online. However, I would not recommend this option as viruses and spyware are common on P2P networks. The files are also of unknown quality and origin. Some files are corrupted and the download speeds are usually quite slow.

The last alternative to download psp movies and games is to join a paid PSP download membership site. These sites such as PSPBlender allow you to download unlimited psp movies, games and videos for a one time fee. There are no subscription fees and you become a lifetime member upon registration.

The download speeds are fast and the PSP movies are DVD quality. The files are certified virus and spyware free so you don´t need to worry about infecting your computer. I recommend the last option as it saves you time and money in the long run.

Discover the site to get free PSP movie downloads. Learn how you can download full length movie PSP online.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Cheap Ninteno Wii

Unless you've been living under a rock you've surely seen or heard about the Nintendo Wii. Despite its lack of availability during the holiday seasons it is a top-selling gaming console. What makes it such a great gaming console is that it almost requires physical activity to play any games.

How, exactly, do you burn calories playing this console? Simple, the wireless controllers are required to be moved in similar motions to those actually required by doing the activity in the game. The games, such as Bowling, fighting and running that actually require you to make the same physical movements. It's much better than sitting in a lounger in front of the TV thumbing some buttons. You are required to move the controller or stomp on a pad to play some games. They already have a bunch of games available and more are on the way. The Wii FIT is another popular option that actually measures body fat and helps you with your balance.

Finding a cheap ninteno wii can be challenging. Like I said earlier, they are difficult to find even at full price. You could go to Best Buy and see if they have any in stock or, take my suggestion and check out a unique bid auction site. I recommend where you can find a cheap ninteno Wii among many other gadgets.

Believe it or not you could pick up one of these gaming systems for less than $10. The unique bid auction site I mentioned above lets you make a single bid for $9.94.You can visit the site noted above and bid on one for $9.94. There you have could own a Wii for less than 10 bucks. Heck, even if you bid 5 times you could win it for less than $50.

Anyway, more about the console itself. I don't like the fact that it is not Hi Def and doesn't look as good as it's competitors. I feel like I'm not taking advantage of my widescreen, Hi Def set.

If you're in the market for the hottest gaming console on the market, and want it cheap, check out

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Shaman Guide for World of Warcraft

In the real word, a shaman is a believer of the spiritual world. In the World of Warcraft, the character Shaman is an integral member of any group that possesses great power and incredible skills. If you are thinking of choosing this character, then continue to read for a guide on how to become a great Shaman.

The very significant things to note before starting as a Shaman is to make sure that your own skills match well with this class and that you must look for a group that is also in need for a Shaman. First, you have to find a group that demands for you, for Shamans may become weak on their own. When put in a group, they integrate the strength needed using their natural abilities.

Getting Started as a Shaman

This class is limited when starting out, for example, only the Dranei can be a Shaman for the Alliance. If you are on the Horde side, only the Trolls, Orc, the Undead or Taurean can qualify to be a Shaman. This indicates that you will initially need to accept some of this races weaker points, as they do have long-term benefits and uses.

Each time you cast a spell, you lose mana points. Spending them is in your hands. It is best to approach moderately, avoiding utilizing too much or too little. It’s best to be moderate about it, not using too much or too little, to achieve more success in using this class. Failing to do so will decrease you health points, or worse, regenerate all throughout the game.

Shamans are known for their healing skills, that is why you must try to build up your spell arsenal, your ranged weapons and most specially, your healing spells. Being an asset to your group is vital because you can draw protection from it.

Picking a Shaman Profession

It’s not a good idea to focus on more physical professions like leatherworking and blacksmithing. The best profession for Shamans are herbalism and enchanting. You may choose skinning for they are useful somehow. Finding the right combination of primary and secondary professions is a very important factor you have to bear in mind.

Combining alchemy with herbalism, or alchemy with enchanting are also a few options you may consider. Nevertheless, combining alchemy and herbalism or enchanting plus alchemy is not a bad idea. Others think that mining (as secondary profession) will help you get items, but it actually wastes your extra time in the game.

Make potions if you want to make money. Potions are usually in high demand and you can always use them on yourself. It would be a good idea to focus most of your time to mastering your professions as a Shaman as you may increase your skills and create better and more powerful concoctions that can, not only earn you a larger amount of money, but also earn you more acclamation as well.

Although it can still be useful to pick the tailoring profession, since this makes you capable of working on your own armor, most players opt to just buy their own when needed. Do not worry; for leather armors are available at Level 40 at an available price. During the journey, pieces of armors are given away as rewards. Therefore, choose a profession that will help you develop your skills for your group.

Please check out the second page of this World of warcraft Shaman Guide: WoW Shaman Guide for more tips and informations on how to make use of Totems.

I hope this World of Warcraft paladin guide has helped you gained some significant information. I highly recommend that you sign up to our free mini course which is a quick guide to Levelling from 1-75 in World of Warcraft.

WoW Leveling Guide

How you level up depends on the type of character you are playing and the faction you're on: Alliance or Horde. This leveling guide will walk you through taking your Alliance Human character from level 1 to 30. These tips may work for other races, but some quests will definitely require more information.

Getting Started

You are on level one, get ready. Firstly, you’ll start in a place called Elwynn Forest in the North Shire Glade. I suggest that at best, you have to get yourself a little familiarized with the area first. You're going to see some wolves running around.Start killing them and don't stop until you reach level 3.

Easy, right?

While at level 3, this is the perfect opportunity to equip some new armor for yourself and also to repair any damage. This will come in handy later on. At this point, you are prepared to be on the first actual quest. You can now see a bunch of wolves running around. Upon completion of these quests, you can then take on two more quests, Eagen Peltskinner and Wolves Across the Border.

Pick up at least 8 Though Wolf Meat items by grinding some more wolves for you to reach Level 4. Another option is grinding Kobold’s Vermins. When you are there, you must accept each quests offered to you one by one. Grinding the Kobold Workers in the locale would help quickly level you up to five.

Complete the next seven quests to advance to level 7. These are easy quests so it should not take you more than a few hours to complete them. Tip: grind everytime you can, this will help you go to a higher level.

Reaching level 30 from level 7 is just a simple procedure. Just take on all offered quests and turn them in to get the follow-ups. Also, grinding can help you increase your score and earn more experience points. You need some special items to level up faster. Read on to find out what these items are.

These are the items that you must absolutely have

Level Six – North Shire Valley

After killing the Defias Thug, collect the 12 red burlap bandanas.

Search for Gerrick Padfoot. Kill him and have his head.

Level Seven – Goldshire

Kill the Stonetusk Boars until you get 4 pieces of meat.

Search for Goldtooth. Find and kill Goldtooth, then loot for Bernice’s necklace.

Level Eight – Goldshire

The Gnome’s workshop in the Operation Recombobulation Quest has a special chest that you must look for. {Take this crate} called “Rumbleshot’s Ammo”. {Look and get the crate}.

Level Nine – Yeti Cave

You must grind the Yetis until you collect at most eight Wendigo’s Manes.

Go back outside and start grinding the gnomes. Start grinding until you collect eight Restablization Cogs and Eight Gyromechanic Gears.

Level 10

Look for Frosmane Hold. Kill everything you can see and search for the cave in the mountain above you. Go inside and take the basket of Shimmerweed. Go inside and take the basket.

These are the items you're gonna need if you wanna level up a lot faster. Check that you be able to see them in each level. Good Luck!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Download Xbox Games – Download Games To Xbox 360

Gaming consoles have taken a new face. There are now lots of gaming consoles to choose from. The 3 major consoles that have the major market share are the Microsft Xbox 360, Sony Playstation3 and the Nintendo Wii. Of these three, the xbox 360 has become one of the most popular gaming consoles with great graphics and sound.

Out of the hundreds of games to choose from, people also have the option to download xbox games. The problem, perhaps, is that only few offer it for free.

What the majority of websites offer is a one-time charge for a membership fee. After paying this, a person can download as much games as he can. Other websites have restrictions for one month, this means that the member ship is good for only a month and will expire after this duration. Within this period, the user or member can download as much as he can.

Do not be fooled by free xbox games downloads because the majority of these have either corrupted or incomplete files. Some of the files are have viruses and spyware and can wreck havoc on your computer.

It is better to join a xbox 360 download membership site because these websites are legitimate. They pay for their licensing and they also need to pay for maintenance of their websites for faster streamlining. From time to time you will observe changes in these websites so they can make things better.

Your other option if you do not want to pay to download XBOX games is to do a P2P or peer-to-peer file sharing. This, of course, is also risky because you do not really know the persons who claim they have the game you are looking for. Who knows, it might be a virus. It is better to go with a xbox games downloading service.

Discover the best site to download xbox games online. Learn you can download full xbox games instantly online.

To have an awesome Gaming Experience try the new PlayStation3 that comes with an 80GB hard drive.

To have an awesome Gaming Experience try the new PlayStation3 that comes with an 80GB hard drive.

No doubt the fact that owning a PlayStation 3 console is sure to provide users with a compelling gaming experience, quite unlike any other that you can get. For the utmost in gaming consoles the PlayStation 3 is worth paying every bit the asking price, because the cutting edge technology makes it a huge asset to your home entertainment. The PlayStation3 console comes in a few different options; however the 80GB hard drive is the most popular and one you will want to look into as an option.

Plenty Of Storage

The storage space on the PlayStation 3 with 80GB hard drive is so vast you can put a huge amount of games on it and if you take advantage of the free membership, you will be able to chat with other gamers online and also download a lot of additional games off the internet.

It has been improved upon some much so, that people comment on the PlayStation 3 consoles new classy design because it is a noticeable attention grabber. The PlayStation 3 with the 80GB hard drive is fast and quiet, plus you get a number of high definition games and by using the simple interface capability you can watch Blu-ray movies too.

Still, there are a few drawbacks to purchasing a PlayStation 3 with an 80GB hard drive, such as, the amount of games that can be played on it and the other is, you will need to purchase specific software to get backward capability for your system. Still, when you consider the fact that the PlayStation 3 with an 80GB hard drive comes with massive hard disk storage space which will allow you to play the older PlayStation 2 games, it is certainly a great alternative to playing on a cheaper console, even if it means having to wait before some of the exclusive titles become available.

The PlayStation 3 console did not meet expectation when first sold, it would have been a much bigger seller if it didn’t have so many limits to the games users can play on it. Because of this you might be limited in the type of games you can play for instance: Fall of Man, WarHawk, Resistance and Heavenly Sword. Still, consider playing third-party games that are available for users such as Assassin’s Creed and Call of Duty-4.

So, if you have five hundred dollars to spare for a 80GB PlayStation 3 and you don’t mind being constrained to playing a few compelling games, then this is the model that you should consider, especially if you also want it to behave just like a full-fledged computer.